Friday, October 30, 2015

Come visit my Atelier

s t u d i o

I took french in college and adore the french language. When I visited Paris, I instantly felt right at home.  My only complaint was the people weren't so friendly.  But maybe it has changed since I was there over 15 years ago.  Wow, that makes me sound old. 

Anyway, I was in my studio today and felt inspired by my space, which is kind the point, you are all thinking... But, it's true.  I've created a little space where I can come create or read if I want.  I like to keep my studio dedicated just to creating and relaxing things.  No, bill paying or such things like this.  Just lovely things... 

I love cactus... so sculptural. 
They always seem to inspire me. 
So... I had to have one for my desk.

Hammered a few holes in the wall to display art in progress... 
Helps me to imagine it in a space and also step back to evaluate the piece...

Writing on the wall...

succulents!! I adore plants!

I like to hang inspiring pictures but also keep it to a minimum, or else I can feel overwhelmed by color, shapes and designs... This might sound weird but as I've gotten older, I appreciate a more simple minimal look.  This is just what works for me... 

I know plenty of artist's who love art pinned up, papers, magazines, sculptures and things everywhere.  I love visiting these types of homes and studio's because they are so inspiring ...

Antique basket, actually I was told it was used as a locker basket. I like to put magazines in it, instead of old stinky sport clothes.

Found a stump around the property the other day and painted it white. I hope to attach wheels to the bottom so I can roll it wherever I want in the studio.  Anyway, I use it for resting my feet on or resting magazines or maybe a cup of tea.

I finally have a chair for my studio, where I am actually sitting right now... added some sheep skin because, well it's just so cozy...

This is the last painting 
I finished and posted
on Instagram, and now it's
time for me to get to work
and paint a new piece... avoir!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Studio time




Spending a little time by the pool today before it truly turns to fall. Not going 

to lie but I'm ready for cooler weather.  I think once October rolls around my mind 

expects lovely fall to arrive. Especially growing up in Colorado, where all the 

leaves start to change. 

Working on a new series this month. It's been a great stretch for me to focus on a specific style. I was just telling my sister in law, Kristen it's been good for me. Probably because since I started my new goal of, "painting 15 minutes a day" about 4 + months ago it was my desire to  .r e a l l y.  paint often. No rules... Just have fun. 

But now it's time to focus on a particular style. It's not been easy, but I think that's the point.  I'm not saying this style is forever, or now I have my specific style. Instead, I simply want to create and I want to push myself and stretch my abilities as a creative. I have to listen to my intuition and this felt like what's next, even though fear told me otherwise.

Here is goes...

This color blocking in JCrew catalog is inspiration for the long skinny painting

This painting above is still in the works... not finished

