Wednesday, July 29, 2015

J u l y • A R T


I thought it would be fun to share a lot of the art I painted this month.  Each month I post new art just to mix it up a little.
I have 5 NEW PAINTINGS if you want to have a look- Bigcartel shop.

This month began with an "idea" which has turned into reality.  I have decided to paint each day for 15 minutes and let's just say it's been a success!  Most days 15 turns into an hour or so.  I have been sharing a lot of this process on my Instagram feed.  Where I have found other amazing artists to follow and find inspiration.  
Here's my instagram if you're interested... 

This is not the best photo of our room but I am showing the large 30x30 painting I did.  Which is currently in our living room because we cannot decide which space we prefer.

painting in my art studio... 

Above is showing a box of goodies sent to me from my dear friends Kandyce and Lindsay.  It was so thoughtful and made me feel so loved.  Thanks again guys!!! 

sketch book I take everywhere...

At my in laws in the backyard painting one weekend...

Art Studio KM...

pastel lavender field

peaceful ocean

Blue on Blue... watercolor + pastel

Yes, I am wearing shorts... hah!

I tend to want big change right away...

Learning to live in the moment
 the small victories! 


  1. Great work, it's lovely to see everything you have been working on!

  2. Thanks Holly! I've been enjoying your blog too!
