Wednesday, July 8, 2015

landscape studies

Hello beautiful friends,
On Monday I had to get up and hustle out the door to run errands and go to an appointment.   When I got back home I decided to stop what I was doing and paint.

I started a series of 6x6 landscape studies.  A sort of "new look" at creating a painting.  I did 5 total that day and plan on doing several more.  Hopefully to discover the next step in my next series.

Each painting has a personality of it's own.  The top painting is more controlled, while this one above is free and fun.  I like both of them but enjoyed playing with color, composition and perspective. 

mixing colors

This particular painting above is different than any landscape style I have ever done in the past. I used, watercolor, colored pencil, acrylic, pencil and oil pastels.  This is the very beginning and the end result is also free and fun.

Last week, I sold Beckett.  I wrapped him up and sent him on his way on Monday.  He was a 6x6 and The colors of grays, deep blues, burnt umber, white and bring pink felt exciting and fresh.  Part of making art is selling it.  I want to learn more of the business side of making art.  I love creating something out of nothing and then sharing it with you.  It's a wonderful feeling.


  1. I love your new landscapes! Very inspiring!

  2. Good for you Kimberly, that's a lot of painting in one day!

  3. Thanks Holly! I guess sometimes the inspiration just comes and other times it's harder to get inspired.
