Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Naming Art

Here is my landscape study for the week. I like the modern feel and softness. I am using this month to observe, explore styles that feel like me and push myself outside my boundaries. 

A close up of Lex. I am going to let you in on a little secret, I don't like naming art. I discovered last week I do love boy and girl names.  So from here on out my paintings are people names. Besides, they've got personality, right?

I want to introduce you to Ellis. Above is stage 1 of Ellis this week. It's interesting how art goes through almost a life journey of its own. As the painter I go through stages of, "I hate this, it's horrible." As I add more color shape and depth, I find it re-working itself into something beautiful and special. When I get to the end of a painting I have a hard time knowing when to quit, what to add, or what to take away. I find stopping to be the best answer when I feel this way. I like to go away, and walk into my art room the next day with a new eye. As the saying goes, tomorrow is a new day.

My desk can get messy, but I like to pick up after, so the next day I can walk into clarity and a fresh new start.  The mess is from the past, I like a new start.

Above shows rocks because, well I guess you could call me a rock collector. My grandpa William was a rock collector. I am always picking up rocks at the beach and putting into little bowls. Now, I started collecting crystals and gems. I also have an oak ball. I liked the color and my dog Ollie loves when I throw them for him on our morning walks.

Ellis stage 2. These are the colors I'm into right now. Soft undertones of brown mixed with greens, purples and flesh tones. Oh, and lots and lots of white. I can't help myself. I love white. My art teacher, Martha used to tell me hardly ever to use white. 

Stage 3 of this painting will happen today. It might do a 180 and head in a different direction completely. It's been known to happen with my paintings.

Until next week, have a great rest of your week. Oh, and I think I'm going to make Wednesdays my post day. At some point I will perhaps post more than once a week. We will see.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

moving forward

Here it goes!  I have decided to start my blog again, with a fresh and simple new look.  I will use this sight to share my art, inspiration, thoughts on life and creating. 

My art is for sale at BigCartel and soon Etsy.  Each month paintings will be swapped out and new ones will appear for you to shop. Currently my art is abstract but soon will change to landscapes.


I have an entire room now to paint and make a mess!!!!  It's a dream to have.  Rob made my desk with sawhorses and a great piece of wood on top.  I love it.  Simple and large enough for me to paint on several pieces at once. The best part is I can leave my mess.

*make a space even if it's in a closet or a small corner to paint. It's important to have a designated place for you to create. 


Use your imagination and get inspired.  Thankfully we have google. Personally, I enjoy looking at books so I went to the library and checked out artists who inspire me. Rob bought me Cy Twombly book and I love flipping though it often. 


I need goals.  Otherwise I put it off.  I also need lists because I am so visual.  My goal is still in the works... I am creating a muse or theme.  Ask yourself, who inspires me? Or think of a vacation you would like to go on.  This patio is what inspires me always...


Make sure you have all the supplies you need. Especially when you live in the country like me... I don't like to have to make several trips.

My husband is my support.  I also like to look to family and friends.  But I have also learned it's important to believe in your work.  Be confident in you.

*One last tip I like, put quotes up from other artists or designers. I also like printing photo's from other artists work and putting them up in my space.

This first post was a bit long, but I wanted to share my 5 tips.  Most posts won't be this long.  Thanks for visiting and hopefully you can visit my art at big cartel too.